77 originálních blahopřání k svátku v angličtině, která zaujmou! Inspirujte se

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Anglické blahopřání k svátku 

Znáte někoho, komu by přáníčko v cizím jazyce udělalo radost?

V následujících textech jistě najdete slova, která vystihnou, co chcete oslavenci popřát.

This name day I wish you and your family abundance, happiness, and health. May lady luck come especially for the name day boy/girl.
May you receive the greatest of joys and everlasting bliss. You are a gift yourself, and you deserve the best of everything. Happy name day.
Do not count the candles, but see the light they give. Don’t count your years but the life you live. Happy name day.
Forget the past; it is gone. Do not think of the future; it has not come. But live in the present because it’s a gift and that’s why it’s called the present. Happy name day.
Happy name day! Remember that the best is yet to come.
Happy name day to you. You are smart, funny, and fabulous, just like me!
I thought I would bring a celebrity along with me to your party, but then I thought of a better option, M.E.
Happy name day to my evergreen, forever young partner in crime.
It is my superiority complex that has made me wish you for your name day so early. Now I can strut about and tell all your other well-wishers that I was the first!
All of us wish you a day filled with happiness and a joyous year ahead. Happy name day!

Gratulace ke jmeninám nemusí být napsány obyčejným textem. Vyberte si z veršovaných svátečních blahopřání.

Anglické gratulace ke jmeninám pro ženy

Ať už chcete poblahopřát mamince, sestře, přítelkyni nebo kamarádce, dejte si záležet, aby vaše slova vyzněla upřímně. Oslavenkyně jistě ocení, když ji přáníčko pohladí u srdce.

Pro maminku

Happy name day, mom! Every day I am grateful to have you in my life. May today be another reminder that you are the best. I love you!
You’re more than a mother. You’re the best woman I know. Thank you for everything and happy name day to you!
I hope your day is filled with rest, abundance, love and your favorite food and drink. Happy name day!
Mom, if it weren’t for you, I would never have become who I am today. Thank you for being my role model, my mother, and an amazing friend. And most of all, happy name day!
Mom, thank you for your support and invaluable life lessons. Tonight, let’s toast your beautiful name day together!
I’m so lucky to have a mother like you. You’re my best friend, my best mom, the best person I know. I wish you the most wonderful name day!
There’s no one I’d rather turn to in times of trouble than you. Happy name day, Mom. You’re the best!
Mom, you’re the glue of our family. We love you with all our hearts. Happy name day!
Mom, you’re a role model, a genius, a superwoman, a five-star chef and the most beautiful person I know. How do you do it all? I’m toasting your health today and wishing you a happy name day!
Sending you warm wishes and loving thoughts for your name day. Even though we are far apart, you will always be in my heart, with me. I love you, mom!

Pro sestru

Sometimes life is hard, but I can always be sure that with the strength of your friendship I will overcome any obstacle that comes my way. You are the best sister the world could offer me. Happy name day!
You have been my best friend all my life. Thank you for everything. Happy name day!
Happy name day, sis! I hope I’ve always been as wonderful a sister to you as you’ve been to me. I love you!
Thank you for always providing me with support, hope, encouragement and infusing joy into my veins. You are the best sister in the world and I hope your name day celebration is as amazing as you are!
Every day that we grew up together, I learned something new from you that has come in handy in my life. Thank you and I wish you the most wonderful name day celebration!
Celebrate your name day today with joy, laughter and be surrounded only by the people you love! Happy name day!
Happy name day to my sister who is just as smart, talented, beautiful, creative and wonderful as I am!
Dear sister, for your name day, how about a fruit salad instead of cake? A fruit salad with mostly grapes – no, all grapes. Fermented grapes. Wine it is.
I can barely keep up with everyone’s name days these days, but you better believe I’d never forget yours. Happy name day to the best sister there is.
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, the best woman in the world was born, and today is her name day. I love you, sister.

Pro přítelkyni

Happy name day to a special person who is bringing so much joy to my heart. I am thankful for every moment we spend together, and I wish our happiness never ends.
May this day be as sunny as your smile, and as beautiful as you are. You shine every day, but on this day, you will shine the brightest. Happy name day.
I have never met a person who is as sweet as you are. On this day, we celebrate your sweetness by eating a sweet cake and drinking some sweet wine. I love you!
You make my life worth living. You bring smiles to my face, and your touch shows me how much you love me and care for me. You are my friend and my lover. Happy name day.
I hope your name day is as beautiful and full of love as you are. You deserve only the best, and I wish that for you. Best wishes, my love.
You are the reason I smile every day. Our passion will never go away, and our love will shine brightest on this special day. I love you.
Thanks for all the memories you’ve given to me. No matter how old we get, and how many more name days we celebrate, I will always be here for you. Happy special day to you!
You are the gift in my life, and on your special day, I give you the gift of my love. Take it with open arms, and embrace my hug.
You are the best thing that has happened in my life, and I hope you have an awesome name day. You deserve it, my love, and I will make sure your dreams come true.
Today is your special day. Let me be your genie. Every wish you make, I will fulfill it. Happy name day my love.

Svátek je skvělou příležitostí k vyznání lásky. Prozkoumejte zamilovaná sváteční přání.

Anglické gratulace ke jmeninám pro muže 

Muži si nepotrpí na příliš dlouhé gratulace. Proto se inspirujte našimi stručnými, ale výstižnými texty, které potěší i pobaví.

Pro tatínka

Happy name day to my cool dad. It’s your special day! Let’s celebrate! You’re still a rock star in my eyes!
Dad, happy name day! No matter what, I’ll always be your number one fan! Wishing you another year that rocks!
Happy name day, dad! I hope your day is as special as you are. I’m so lucky to get to call you my dad.
Dad, happy name day. I hope today is a day full of love and relaxation. You deserve it. After all, you’re a real catch!
Happy name day. Thank you for always being there to lend a helping hand. I hope today brings you lots of love, happiness, and smiles, Dad!
For My Sweet Dad, happy name day. Thanks for always being there to hold my hand. You are the best dad I could ever ask for.
Happy name day, Dad! You work too hard. Today’s your day to sit back, relax, and enjoy your name day. Hope you’re not “two-tired” to celebrate!
Dad, happy name day! I hope the year ahead brings your most exciting adventure yet! Celebrate today and always.
Happy name day, Dad! You’re the one person I will always look up to. I can’t wait to share more of life’s biggest moments together!
Happy name day. To my amazing dad, I hope this year’s celebration is the biggest and brightest one yet!

Pro bratra

Happy name day To My Brother. Thank you for being my built-in best friend for life. Enjoy your special day! It only comes once a year!
To my awesome brother, HAPPY NAME DAY! Today we celebrate you! I hope this year brings everything you wish for and more!
Happy name day, Brother. Here’s to a car full of roses and another year full of adventure! Have the best day ever!
Happy name day Brother. Pop some champagne and let’s toast to you! Love you, brother!
Happy name day To My Little Brother I Love. Hope your special day is filled with love and happiness, and that this year is your best year yet!
Happy name day. Let’s relive all our happiest times, brother. You get the drinks, and I’ll get the limes. It’s going to take some time.
To My Sweet Brother, happy name day. You were my first friend, and you’re still my best friend. I think of you every day, but especially today.
Happy name day, Brother. Watching you grow up over the years has been one of my great joys. I’m so privileged to be a part of your life, and I couldn’t have asked for a better brother to share my years with.
Happy name day, brother! You’ve always been kind and thoughtful, with a loving heart. You’re thought of every single day, but especially today.
Happy name day! Brother, we sometimes go too long without catching up with each other. I want you to know how often I think of you and how much I treasure the times we do get to talk. I’ll always adore you and our time together.

Pro přítele

Happy name day to my dearest friend and lover. Thank you for bringing happiness into my life. I love you with all my heart, and my feelings for you grow stronger every day.
I am the luckiest person on Earth because I have the most wonderful person by my side. Thank you for being my rock. Happy name day, my sweet pie.
It is easy to fall in love with you. And staying in love with you is even easier. I love celebrating name days with you, and I am looking forward to celebrating another one next year. Happy name day my all.
I am happy that you choose to share your special day with me. Thank you for everything you have done for me. You are my sweetheart, and I will always love you.
Words are not enough to express my feelings for you. But my hug will help you understand how much I love you. My wish for you is to always stay happy and cheerful. Have the best name day.
Happy name day my angel. I wish I could write across the sky so that everyone could see it. But instead, I will kiss you and hug you so that you know you are truly loved.
No fat, no cholesterol, and no addiction. This message is all-natural except for the honey. But it can never be as sweet as you. Happy name day, sweetheart.
There is never a day that I will not think of you. I am captivated by your love, and I am thankful you chose me to be by your side. I love you, and I hope you have a wonderful name day.
Loving you is a privilege. But being loved by you is a blessing. Being with you is a wish come true, and I hope all your wishes come true on this special day.
There is no need for a special day to remind me how special you are and how important you are in my life. The stars shine wherever you go. Happy name day my all.

Hledáte inspiraci na sváteční přání pro muže v češtině? Prozkoumejte naše další texty.

Gif přání k svátku anglicky 

Chcete blahopřání poslat elektronicky? 

Využijte služeb, jako je e-mail, MMS nebo sociální sítě a pošlete oslavenci vtipný pohyblivý obrázek s vlastním přidaným textem.

Gif přání k svátku s anglickým nápisem happy namesday a zelenými listy kolem něj.
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Jásající žena, na kterou muž stříká bouchnuté šampaňské.
zdroj: giphy.com
Červená plyšová tancující postavička se žlutou čepičkou pro oslavence.
zdroj: giphy.com
Kreslená hýbající se ruka držící kytici z lučního kvítí.
zdroj: giphy.com
Pohyblivé gif přání k svátku s kreslenými jásajícími dětmi, chytajícími barevné nafukovací balónky.
zdroj: giphy.com
Tři ruce, cinkající si sklenicemi na šampaňské.
zdroj: giphy.com
Žena s šampaňským, z kterého vystřelují konfety.
zdroj: giphy.com

Inspirujte se také dalšími obrázky na sváteční přání.

Napsat přání k svátku anglicky nemusí být nic náročného a složitého. 

S našimi tipy si stačí vybrat osobu, které chcete poblahopřát a podle toho si zvolit z několika typů textu. 

Chcete-li přáníčko poslat elektronicky, doporučujeme k textu přidat také pohyblivý gif, který dodá vaší gratulaci šmrnc!

Autor článku
Markéta Bieleszová

Sdílená radost je dvojnásobná radost. Ať už se jedná o narozeniny, svátek, svatbu nebo jiné výročí, je nádherné sdílet tyto chvilky s ostatními. To je možné prostřednictvím upřímných slov. V mých článcích se snažím čtenáři nabídnout takové texty, které se dotknou lidského srdce a vykouzlí úsměv na tváři.

Líbil se vám tento článek? Dejte mu 5 hvězdiček. :)

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